Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
『Imagine』の「音楽の力」にリアルタイムで深く心を動かされた少年の名は小林武史さん。現在、音楽プロデューサーとして幅広い音楽活動を展開される小林武史さんが「ap bank」を立ち上げたのは2003年。以来「サステナブル−より良い世界を未来に届ける」をテーマに、さまざまな環境活動、被災地の復旧支援に取り組んでいらっしゃいます。
編集部は今回、小林さんがご自身の仕事の集大成と位置づける千葉県木更津市矢那の「KURKKU FIELDS」に伺い、プレオープン中の施設を体験。さらにその1ヶ月後、春を先取りしたような光の下、東京のスタジオで小林さんにお話しを伺いました。
写真提供|クルックフィールズ、ap bank、リボーンアート・フェスティバル
小林武史 Takeshi KOBAYASHI
音楽家 / ap bank代表理事
Mr.ChildrenやMy Little Loverなど様々なアーティストのプロデュース・楽曲制作のほか映画音楽も数多く手掛ける。自然エネルギー推進や環境プロジェクトに対しての融資をする組織として2003年に「ap bank」を設立し、音楽を聴きながら環境問題を考える野外音楽イベント「ap bank fes」の開催や、東日本大震災支援のためボランティアベースを作った宮城県石巻市にて、アート・食・音楽を楽しむ芸術祭「Reborn-Art Festival」を主催するなど幅広い活動を行っている。
ap bankの活動と並行して、2019年に循環型ファーム&パーク「クルックフィールズ」を千葉県木更津市にオープン。今秋には新しい宿泊施設やライブラリー開設などを予定している。
Added to the pandemic, where the end of curbs are yet to be seen, we have the addition of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This deepening turmoil since the beginning of the year means yet more concerns about where the world is heading. During such times, there is a song that calms, comforts, heals and reminds us of the importance of solidarity. That song is ‘Imagine’, by John Lennon, released in 1971. Loved and sung by people all over the world as a song that calls for love and peace, it appeals against the ideology of nations and religions, the cruelty and meaningless of conflicts and battles caused by ownership and power.
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
A simple melody line and the composition of gentle piano and strings are straightforward and memorable. ‘Imagine’ calls for the importance of first imagining and then having the courage to take action to make the world a better place.
The name of the boy who was deeply moved by the “Power of Music” of Imagine in real-time is Takeshi Kobayashi. Currently developing a wide range of music projects as a music producer, Takeshi Kobayashi launched ‘ap bank’ in 2003. Since then, he has been engaged in various environmental activities and support for the restoration of disaster-stricken areas under the theme ‘Sustainable: Delivering a Better World to the Future’.
This time, the Editorial Department visited ‘KURKKU FIELDS in Yana, Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture, for a pre-opening experience of the facility. Mr. Kobayashi positions this facility as the culmination of his life’s work.
Date of Interview: 7th February 2022
Interview: Naoko OHTA/ Mayuko Yoshitake (ecobeing Editorial Department)
In Cooperation with: ap bank, Reborn-Art Festival
Interview/ Text: Naoko OHTA (ecobeing Editorial Department)
Musician/ ap bank Representative Director
In addition to production and music production for various artists such as Mr. Children and My Little Lover, he also works on a variety of music for movies. He established ap bank in 2003 as an organisation to finance renewable energy implementation and environmental projects. It is involved with a wide range of activities, such as hosting the outdoor ‘ap bank fes’ music festival, which allows participants to consider environmental issues while listening to music, as well as hosting ‘Reborn-Art Festival’, an art festival where you can enjoy art, food and music in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, where a volunteer base was created to support the Great East Japan Earthquake. In parallel with ap bank’s activities, a recycling-oriented farm and park ‘KURKKU FIELDS’ opened in Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture, in 2019. New accommodation facilities and a library is due to open this Autumn.