オリンピックに先立って開催されたのは、そんな隈さんのやわらかさを感じる視点で、ご自身の作品、建築哲学、未来の都市空間へのビジョンを展示した『隈研吾展 新しい公共性を作るためのネコの5原則』(高知県立美術館、長崎県美術館 、東京国立近代美術館)。
『隈研吾 新しい公共性をつくるためのネコの5原則』東京国立近代美術館
隈研吾 Kengo KUMA
The Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, held one year late due to the global pandemic. In these unusual circumstances, Kengo Kuma participated in the design and construction of the National Stadium, the main venue of the Olympic events, with the expectation that the world’s largest sporting event would take place with an unprecedented number of spectators. I think many people felt that the haphazardly placed 5-coloured seats gave a gentle, warm impression, even with the absence of an audience.
Mr. Kuma’s gentle perspective could be felt through “A Plan for Tokyo, 2020: Five Purr-fect Points for Feline Architecture”, an exhibition of his work, architectural philosophy and vision for the future of Urban Space, held prior to the Olympics (Kochi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagasaki Prefectural Museum of Art, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo).
In the exhibition, creating a place where ‘People or cats’ gather, the ‘five principles’ are ‘hole’, ‘particles’, ‘oblique’, ‘softness’, and ‘time’. Feeling nature from concrete spaces, and hints for return to urban spaces that coexist with nature, were embedded everywhere, and his vision for ‘New Public Space’ was lightly advocated.
The starting point for this idea was Kengo Kuma’s interest in the cat’s point of view. In other words, architecture that cherishes the physical sensations that we humans and cats normally have. After finishing a big project, I visited his workplace over the weekend to ask Kengo Kuma about these ‘New Public Spaces’.
“During the state of emergency, I left my box and started walking.
When I walked around, the city looked completely different. Outside the box, I was surprised that I hadn’t noticed how much potential there was, how much (information) was out there.
The places I walked around, where I could walk, were public spaces.”
* Kengo Kuma, “Let’s learn from cats and get out of the box”
“A Plan for Tokyo, 2020: Five Purr-fect Points for Feline Architecture”, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Kengo KUMA
Born in 1954. Established Kengo Kuma & Associated in 1990. Having worked as a professor at Keio University and a professor at the University of Tokyo, he is currently a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo. He has projects underway in more than 30 countries. His architectural designs open up new relationships between nature, technology and humans. Major books include Ten Sen Men (‘Point, Line, Plane’, Iwanami Shoten), Hito-no-Sumika (‘Shelters for People’, Shincho Sinsho), Architecture of Defeat (Iwanami Shoten), Small Architecture/ Natural Architecture (Iwanami Shoten).
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