2019年、その強力な感染力が初めて報告された新型コロナウイルス。この未知のウイルスはあっという間に世界に広がり、現時点で全世界で約2億1500万人が感染し、約450万人の死亡が確認されています。(調査データ: ジョン・ホプキンス・リサーチセンター/ 2021年8月31日現在)世界の人口は現在、78億7500万人『世界人口白書2021』(UNFPA - 国連人口基金)ですから、100人のうち3人弱が感染したことになります。
近年、急速に発展したAIテクノロジーは、VRやARなど“現実” を拡張しました。ただ、その一方で私たちは、“自分の居場所” である地球気象メカニズムの“現実” には正面から向き合っていなかったようです。 現在が過去の結果であるなら、未来は私たちが現在をどう生きるかによって変えることが できるはず...。未来社会の現実を“他人事”ではなく“私ごと” として具体的に想像し、そこから現在を見つめるバックキャスト思考が、大切な地球の未来予想図に望ましい変化をもたらすはずです。
取材・テキスト|太田 菜穂子 Naoko OHTA
写真|瀧本 幹也 Mikiya TAKIMOTO
平野 啓一郎 Keiichiro HIRANO
1975年愛知県蒲郡市生まれ。北九州市出身。京都大学法学部卒業。 1999年在学中に文芸誌『新潮』に投稿した『日蝕』により第120回芥川賞を受賞。40万部のベストセラーとなる。以後、一作毎に変化する多彩なスタイルで、数々の作品を発表し、各国で翻訳紹介されている。2004年には文化庁の「文化交流使」として一年間、パリに滞在。美術、音楽にも造詣が深く、日本経済新聞の「アートレビュー」欄を担当(2009年〜2016年) するなど、幅広いジャンルで批評を執筆。2014年には国立西洋美術館のゲスト・キュレーターとして「非日常からの呼び声 平野啓一郎が選ぶ西洋美術の名品」展を開催。同年、フランス芸術文化勲章シュヴァリエを受章。各ジャンルのアーティストとのコラボレーションも積極的に行っている。
1999『 日蝕』日本文学振興会・芥川龍之介賞
2009『 決壊』文化庁・芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞
『ドーン』Bunkamura ドゥマゴ文学賞
2017 『マチネの終わりに』渡辺淳一文学賞
2019『 ある男』読売文学賞
2019, when highly infections COVID-19 was first reported. This unknown virus quickly spread around the world, infecting around 215 million people worldwide and causing around 3.5 million deaths. (Survey data: John Hopkins Research Centre, as of 31st August 2021).
The world’s population is currently 7.875 billion, according to the ‘State of World Population 2021’ report (UNFPA – United National Population Fund), meaning just under 3 out of 100 people have been infected. Furthermore, extreme weather events such as unprecedented heavy rain, floods, giant typhoons, tornados and heat waves are reported daily around the world.
On the 9th August 2021, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published their sixth Assessment Report. With a stronger tone than ever before, it stated “It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred.”, determining that we humans have a tremendous impact on the order of the earth.
In recent years, rapidly developing AI technology has expanded ‘reality’ with VR and AR. Meanwhile, however, it seems that we have not faced the ‘reality’ of the global climate mechanism of ‘our home’.
If the present is the result of the past, the future could change depending on how we live in the present…. Backcasting looks at the present by imagining the reality of future society as ‘our problem’, rather than ‘somebody else’s problem’, and that this should bring about the desired changes in our future Earth.
In May this year, Keiichiro Hirano published the story Honshin, which depicts the trajectory of a young man’s soul, set in Japanese society a quarter of a century in the future. This one book is causing quite a stir in the hearts of many readers. One hot afternoon in late August, I met Keiichiro Hirano and asked what inspired him to write this book.
Date of Interview: 26th August 2021
Interview Location: Minami-Aoyama, Tokyo
Interview/Text: Naoko OHTA
Photos: Mikiya TAKIMOTO
Keiichiro HIRANO
Born in Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture in 1975. Brought up in Kitakyushu City. Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Kyoto University.
He received the 120th Akutagawa Prize for The Eclipse, posted in the literary magazine Shincho, while attending school in 1999. It became a best seller, selling 400,000 copies. Since then, he has published numerous works in a variety of styles that change with each piece, translated in a variety of languages for many countries. In 2004, he stayed in Paris for a year as a Cultural Envoy for the Agency for Cultural Affairs. He has a deep knowledge of art and music, and has written critiques in a wide variety of genres, including being in charge of the Art Review section in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper (2009-2016). In 2014, he held an exhibition entitled ‘Voices Calling from the Unusual: Hirano Keiichiro's Selection of Western Art Masterpieces’ as guest curator at the National Museum of Western Art. In the same year, he received the Chevalier of L'Ordre des Arts et des Letters (The Order of Arts and Letters). He continues to actively collaborate with artists from a variety of genres.
Major Awards:
The Akutagawa Prize for The Eclipse (Nisshoku)
The Education, Science and Technology Ministers Art Encouragement Prize for New Writers for Breach (Kekkai)
The Prix Deux Magots Bunkamura for Dawn
The Watanabe Junichi Literary Prize for At the End of the Matinee
The Yomiuri Prize for Literature for A MAN